
Genetics and Genomics in C. elegans

Welcome to the Mangone Lab @ Arizona State University

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Jillian Murray (undergrad student) has been accepted into the PhD program in Medicinal Chemistry in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Michigan. Congratulations, Jillian!
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Luke Bass is a new graduate student in Dr. Mangone's lab. Welcome to the Mangonelab Luke !!!

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RNA transcription has been studied for more than half a century, focusing mainly on the initiation and elongation processes.
We still do not understand, however, the mechanisms of transcriptional termination, preparation of 3' mRNA ends, or the regulation of these sequences that, in turn, control gene expression at a post-transcriptional level.

The mRNA molecule is the key intermediate of this process.
RNA is a perfect copy of the information contained in DNA, and instructs its temporal and spatial expression – producing proteins, shaping organs, timing development, and regulating biological processes in living organisms.

Understanding how RNA transcription termination works in living organisms is very important because it helps to understand what happens in disease states such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, and muscular dystrophy, all diseases where this process is disrupted.
Without a deep understanding of these and other basic biological processes,
our approach to human health is limited.