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Congratulations to Anna Schorr (Graduate Student)!!!. Her review manuscript titled miRNA-based regulation of alternative RNA splicing in metazoans has been accepted for publication in IJMS.

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Anna Schorr (grad student) presented her research at the 26th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society.

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Congratulations to Shannon O'Brien (lab tech) for being accepted in the Master of Medical Sciences in Physician Assistant Studies at Midwestern University!!.

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Congratulations to Alejandro Felix Mejia (undergrad student) for being accepted in the Biomedical Sciences PhD program at UMass!!

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Congratulations to Anna Schorr (grad student) for winning the 'runner up' poster presentation award at the 4th Arizona RNA Symposium!!!

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Emma Murari is a new graduate student in Dr. Mangone's Lab; Welcome Emma!

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Congratulations to Heather Hrach (graduate student). Her new review manuscript titled "miRNA Profiling for Early Detection and Treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy" has been published in IJMS as part of the Special Issue New Regulators and Modulators of MicroRNA .Congratulation Heather!

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Congratulations to Heather Hrach (graduate student) for winning the second prize at the poster session at the 2019 AZ RNA Salon UofA Tucson. Congratulation Heather! 8/9/2019
Congratulations to Heather Hrach (graduate student) for winning the second prize at the poster session at the 2019 AZ RNA Salon UofA Tucson. Congratulation Heather!

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Congratulations to Christina Gallante (Undergraduate student) for winning the Biodesign Travel Grant!. Christina will use this Grant to attend the 22nd International C. elegans Conference and present a poster detailing her research in our lab. Congratulation Christina!

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5/9/2019 Christina Gallante (Undergraduate student) won the 2019 SoLS Undergraduate Research (SOLUR) Scholar Program. This is the second year in a row Christina wins this scholarship. Congratulation Christina!

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Congratulations to Hannah Steber (Grad Student) for winning the 2019 ASU/SoLS Graduate College Fellowship!

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Kasuen Kotagama (Graduate student) successfully passed his thesis defense. CONGRATULATIONS DR. KOTAGAMA!

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Heather Geissel (Graduate student) won the 2018 Harry Lowell Swift Advancing Health Scholarship. Congratulation Heather!

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Shannon O’Brien (Undergraduate student) won the Bidstrup Undergraduate Fellow Award. Congratulation Shannon!!

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Heather Hrach (Graduate student) won the Best Poster Award at the 2018 SoLS MCB Retreat. Congratulation Heather!

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Christina Gallante (undergraduate student) is awarded with the SOLUR RESEARCHER award for 2018-19 academic year. Congratulation Christina!

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Congratulation to Kasuen Kotagama (graduate student) and Heather Geissel (graduate student) for winning the ‘2nd Best Oral Presentation’ (Kasuen) and ‘ Best Poster Presentation’ (Heather) at the 2nd AZ RNA Salon Symposium in Phoenix!

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Congratulation to Kasuen Kotagama (graduate student) for being awarded with the Maher Scholarship two years in a row!

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Heather Geissel (graduate student) won the Best Rapidfire Presentation Award at the FUSION retreat. Congratulation Heather!

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Adrian Kwiatowski (high school volunteer student) poster titled “Studying the roles of miRNA in C. elegans" won the 1st place in the senior division of Cellular and Molecular Biology 2018 Arizona Science and Engineering Fair.
Congratulation Adrian!

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New mansucript Published in Genetics - Stephen Blazie (graduate student), Heather Geissel (graduate student), Henry Wilky Rajan Joshi, Jason Nebern, and Marco Mangone
Aritcle -> Alternative polyadenylation directs tissue specific miRNA targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans somatic tissues.
Commentary -> Alternative Poly(A) Tails Meet miRNA Targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans

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Kasuen Kotagama (graduate student) is awarded with the 2017 Maher Alumni Scholarship. The Maher Alumni Scholarship recognizes outstanding graduate students participating in cancer research with a faculty member in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University. Congratulations Kasuen!

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New Graduate Student - Heather Geissel just joined the lab. Welcome Heather!

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New mansucript published in Genome Research - Justin Wolter (graduate student), Hoai Huang Thi Le, Alexander Linse, Victoria A. Godlove, Thuy-Duyen Nguyen, Kasuen Kotagama (Graduate Student), Alissa Lynch, Alan Rawls, and Marco Mangone - Evolutionary patterns of metazoan microRNAs reveal targeting principles in the let-7 and miR-10 families

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Justin Wolter (graduate student) wins the ASU Outstaning Graduate Student Award. A video describing his accomplishments as a graduate student in Dr. Mangone’s lab will be played at the 2016 ASU Fall Commencement.

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New mansucript published in BMC Genomics - Kasuen Kotagama (graduate student), Cody Babb, Justin Wolter, Ronan Murphy and Marco Mangone - A human 3′UTR clone collection to study post-transcriptional gene regulation

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New ‘Research Overview' mansucript published in Drug Development Research Journal - Kasuen Kotagama (graduate student), Yung Chang and Marco Mangone - miRNAs as Biomarkers in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

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Stephen Blazie (graduate student) won the Honorable Mention Poster Award at the International C. elegans Meeting at the University of California, Los Angeles

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Justin Wolter (graduate student) won the Outstanding Research in Genetics and Development Poster Award at the International RNA Society Meeting at the University of Madison, Wisconsin